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Tewit Youth Band is the Youth Brass Band for the Harrogate & District area. We are
recruiting new members between the ages of 8 and 18 and welcome absolute beginners as well as more experienced brass and percussion players.


Younger children will start in our Training Band, sometimes with almost no experience at all. More advanced players may jump straight into our Junior, Intermediate or Senior Bands
depending on their ability. Wherever they begin, with help from our highly talented and
experienced Musical Directors, we hope to inspire players to start or continue their musical journey. This may be going on to study music after leaving school or simply discovering the joy of playing music with others.


As part of the Tewit Youth Band family, our players have the opportunity to meet, play
music and socialise with other young people who share their interest in music. Weekly
practice is a great time to get to know other players and the popular breaktime visit to the tuck shop is always a good opportunity to catch up. We also hold social events, including a trip to an outdoors adventure centre to encourage teamwork and friendships among our younger players as well as an annual BBQ for all our band members and their families. Our highly acclaimed Senior Band goes on tour overseas every two years and had a very
successful trip to Italy in 2022. Lifelong friendships are made.


Players develop their confidence performing as a group - maybe even having a solo part - at a wide range of events including local festivals and fêtes, town parades and concerts as well as regional and national competitions. Regular band practice and participation in a these events help our band members to flourish, both within our band and in other settings.


We meet on Wednesday evenings during school term time at our own fantastic band room facilities at the Old Methodist Chapel in Huby, five miles to the south west of Harrogate.  We provide the uniform and you don’t need to have your own instrument as we have a good selection of brass instruments for you to borrow.


If you are interested in joining any of the Tewit Youth bands, would like to learn to play a brass instrument, or have a musical question regarding the band, please contact us or complete the form below and we will get back to you.

Chairman - Olivia Trenholme

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