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Tewit Tour

Tewit Youth Senior Band - Germany Tour

25 - 29 July 2024

Tewit Youth Band is a brass band from the spa town of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, with over 90 players aged between 5 and 19 years old.

Die Tewit Youth Band ist eine Blaskapelle aus der Kurstadt Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England, mit über 90 Spielern im Alter zwischen 5 und 19 Jahren.

Made up of 36 players aged between 12 and 19, under the guidance of their MD, Martin Hall, the band’s repertoire includes a wide range of musical styles including traditional brass pieces, classical, pop, TV and film themes, and marches.
Die aus 36 Musikern im Alter zwischen 12 und 19 Jahren bestehende Band unter der Leitung ihres Dirigent Martin Hall umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Musikstilen, darunter traditionelle Blechbläserstücke, Klassik, Pop, Fernseh- und Filmthemen sowie Märsche.

The Senior Band is consistently in the top six of the Championship section at the National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain. Over the years, the Senior Band has won three gold and four silver awards at the National Youth Brass Band Championships as well as numerous prizes at local and regional competitions.  The Senior Band also takes part in many community events across the Yorkshire region.
Bei den National Youth Brass Band Championships of Great Britain gehört die Senior Band durchweg zu den ersten Sechs der Meisterschaftssektion. Im Laufe der Jahre hat die Senior Band drei Gold- und vier Silberpreise bei den National Youth Brass Band Championships sowie zahlreiche Preise bei lokalen und regionalen Wettbewerben gewonnen.  Die Senior Band nimmt auch an vielen Gemeinschaftsveranstaltungen in der Region Yorkshire teil.

We are delighted to come to Germany for our 2024 tour and look forward to making new friends wherever we play.
Wir freuen uns, für unsere Tour 2024 nach Deutschland zu kommen und freuen uns darauf, überall dort, wo wir spielen, neue Freunde zu finden.

We hope you enjoy our concerts; you can find more information about us on Facebook: @tewityouthband
Wir hoffen, dass Ihnen unsere Konzerte gefallen; Weitere Informationen über uns finden Sie unter Facebook: @tewityouthband 


Welcome, we are Tewit youth band for brass and percussion players between the ages of 8 and 18. We aim to encourage a lifelong enjoyment of music playing and build strong friendships. We have 4 bands, training, juniors, intermediates and seniors. You can easily spot us at events in our red uniforms. The bands meet on a Wednesday at our premises in Huby. We are keen to welcome new players of all abilities. We offer an instrument loan service for the duration of children's involvement in the band. Please visit the join us section for more information.

Please explore the website to learn more about us.

Band Playing in town center